Tuesday, May 31, 2011

the breakfast club

I like tuesdays - lectures end early, i have dancing in the afternoon, and they're the beginning of the end for the week. Once tuesday is over the weekend comes faster, i always find.

The rain has yet to stop, and every so often when a slice of sunshine enters the study [in winter you forget that the sun is so bright] my dog and I fall onto the floor and bathe in it- for that one lovely minute [then we close the door to keep the rain out]

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain

have an amazing tuedsay x

Saturday, May 28, 2011

eating, just eating

happy saturday morning [is still sticky from making pancakes, which is really all this weather calls for]

Its cold and rainy outside so stay in -under the duvet- and eat comfort food or go out and find a warm place to comfort eat [this is what im thinking] anyway, if you need inspiration and someone to show you just how much you really need this food :) then please, continue.

other reasons to eat comfort food:
1. exams
2. if you can't comfort shop
3. you are going to go to gym later
4. exams
5. it's winter, thats what people do in winter

[leaves to get dressed, to go out and eat]

Thursday, May 19, 2011

mindless musings of a very tired 19 year old

happy monday. thursday? then. its the weekend tomorrow? yesplease. [tomorrow is when i get to bake cupcakes and then have maryjane over for tea. *can you see my excited face?]

I've been so wonderfully lazy this week. Last night G&i [and other lovely people] went to watch a band at &union in town, and even though we got rained on and the beer was ridiculously expensive it was pretty awesome.

[here is part of a list]
93. That you will support me, even when you know I’m wrong
94. Your humility
95. The way you let me cover your eyes in strange movies
96. The way you let me give you a detailed description of how I spent my day.
97. That I never get tired of spending time with you
98. I can talk to you about anything
99. That you listen to me

have a goodnight children x

Monday, May 9, 2011

a post that wont change your life

I love:
1. the smell of a newly-washed blanket [especially when im sleeping under it]
2. having burgers at home, on a friday night
3. watching the city lights from my bed
4. being kissed on the forehead
5. having my hair in a plait
6. waking up to the sound of rain
7. finding a book that i have been hunting for, in some run down 2nd-hand store
8. eating tomatoes like apples
9. wearing clothes that make me feel like a lady [gloves, hats, long skirts, high heels] and then asserting my femal rights in them
10. tap dancing in the shower

cake cake and toto

Happy day-after-mothers-day! we went all out this year spending obscene amounts of money on a candle and glasses and then breakfast in bed, made by yours truly and the boyfriend.
[I found this bunny and have decided to name him toto. Toto the bunny.]

cupcake monday :) yesterday G's parents had tea at our place, this caused panic baking and the best lemon pie i have ever tasted to be made [all im really thinking about now is how fast i can finish it before the rest of the family gets home]

[is being distracted by star wars cakes on http://pinterest.com/]

i hope you have a beautiful monday.
[she contemplates sleeping but can't hear her contemplation because of the tile cutting next door.] i hate house building.

Monday, May 2, 2011

a yellow lemon tree

Happy monday. [gosh this picture is wonderfully hypnotizing] If i look at it for too long an intense craving for macaroons comes over me.

The wrath of winter is almost upon us. Thunder, lightning,days of rain, cold toes, red noses and sore throats. But luckily winter also means hotchocolate to warm cold hands, blankets to hide under and watch the rain, pretty scarves to wrap around cold faces and kisses to make you feel happier when you look like rudolph the red-nosed reindeer

its cupcake monday too. [but] the only baking that happened today was that of buttermilk rusks- which are pretty important for tea. Im sorry for the lack of real cupcakes today but according to captainjacksparrow drawings of things are better than the things themselves.

I am in comfort-food eating mode. [puts on excited face] which is why im going out to dinner with G now.

this song, is all i sing in my head when it rains:
I'm sitting here in the boring room
It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon
I'm wasting my time
I got nothing to do
I'm hanging around
I'm waiting for you
But nothing ever happens and I wonder
I wonder how
I wonder why
Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky
And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon-tree
I'm turning my head up and down
I'm turning turning turning turning turning around
And all that I can see is just another lemon-tree

[dashes off to do hair] x