goodmorning children. If you were born on a tuesday then you supposedly have grace. I was born on a monday, which obviously makes me an exception to this little poem/rhyme thing.
[the biggest cupcake picture i could find. it looks amazing but there is no way ill be baking today- im still trying to finish my christmas biscuits]
[the biggest cupcake picture i could find. it looks amazing but there is no way ill be baking today- im still trying to finish my christmas biscuits]
it was happy and sunny when i woke up, and it still is, but now the wind is blowing so hard i can't go outside for fear of being blown over.
Im re-reading Harry Potter. War&Peace was a bit too heavy for me while suntanning. ilove Harry Potter, id forgotten just how much i enjoyed reading them.
[a pretty serious craving for this at the moment]
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